5 Quick Questions with………..David Long!

David Long

This weeks “5 Quick Questions with…” is with David Long. I first heard David’s work on a CD (you remember those right?) called “STOMP” which also featured last weeks interview subject Mike Compton. That CD really got a lot of play in my world. So it was exciting being able to do this interview with David. He’s been featured on the cover of “Mandolin Magazine”,has his own CD out called “Midnight from Memphis” and has traveled the world playing mandolin. He’s even graced the stage at the prestigious Kennedy Center. David is also an expert in the Monroe style of mandolin and will be an instructor at this years Monroe Mandolin Camp. (www.monroemandolincamp.com.)

You can also keep up with David on Facebook.

Without further ado……..5 Quick Questions with David Long!

5 Quick Questions with…David Long!

  1. What are you currently playing (mandolin brand, strings, picks etc)

D.L.  –  2003 Gilchrist Model 5 (SN 03550), Strings – D’addario J-74,                         and picks – D’andria 1.5 Triangle.

  1. What are you currently listening to?

D.L.  –  Lots of different stuff. Anything from Sam Cooke to the 8                             disc Louvin Brothers box set.

  1. What’s your favorite beverage when picking some tunes?

D.L. –  PBR or Jacks Hard Cider

  1. If you were to pick up your mando at this second, what tune would you play?

D.L.  –  A Monroe tune probably. Brushing up for Monroe Camp                               this September.  

  1. What is the best advice you’ve been given?

D.L.  –  Don’t think of work as a career. Think of it as a life.

There you have it! Thanks again for your time, David!

Please head over to by Facebook page and hit like!


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