Mandolins and Beer #15 Chris Thile “Tarnation” Lick and Anderson Valley Oatmeal Stout

This week’s lick came via a few requests this past week for a “fast” Chris Thile lick. I chose the intro from “Tarnation” off of the newest release from Chris and Edgar Meyer because it was one of those intros that I had to listen to again and again after I first heard it! It’s tough to play but the fingering is relatively easy…..great lick to warm up slowly with to get both hands warmed up and working together.

The TAB is here : Tarnation Intro Lick

Stickers are back in stock so let me know if you’d like a few. Email me at for more info.

And finally, check out the website for Anderson Valley Brewing Company who’s beer was discussed this episode……great Oatmeal Stout!

Got a request? Let me know!


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