1. you need to start a tee shirt line with yoru logo… mandolins and beer…. it would sell…. like a great beer.

  2. I just left the Robert Earl Keen concert in Arvada, CO. I had the pleasure of sitting in the front row and witness Kym’s amazing talent and love for music! LOVED his performance! So fun to watch!

  3. Good morning, I have just found your website today! With all these amazing licks and YouTube vids to go with! Honestly and having David Benedict on your podcast I can’t wait to hear that. Great work! Got me feeling like it’s Christmas Day over here! When will your podcast begin? All the best and thanks again for sharing this Mandolin community has so many friggin cool cats! Take it easy, from Luxembourg

    1. Hey there!! The podcast finally was approved and put up on the Itunes app. It should be up in the next 7 days or so! I’ve got a bunch of cool guests already scheduled for interviews! I’m excited! Thanks for the kind words!

  4. Hey Daniel, what a time to play mandolin! Aye!? Great job with this new Mandolin and Beer Podcast, It’s been wicked listening very insightful in part a real education on playing. Also I have really enjoyed the playlist made. There ain’t half some talented folks around past and present. You’ve done very well here. All the best and Cheers ?

  5. Excellent podcast, a lot of really insightful stuff in there. It’s good to hear Tim only has the one mandolin, hopefully it will stop me wanting more.
    Keep up the good work