Episode Notes
My Guest this week is David Surette! Below are some links for you to click on to check out all of David’s musical projects.
Bandcamp (for teaching materials, including the French/Italian book): https://davidsurette.bandcamp.com/album/french-italian-tunes-audio-tracks
To order CDs or books by mail, please email for more info: BurkeSurette@gmail.com
Songs sampled in this episode are:
Doc Boyd’s
Trip To Kemper
Devaneys Goat
Giga Emilana
Ace of Spades / Brilliancy
The Good Ship Kangaroo
Bubble Pop / Hangmans Reel
Farewell to Aberdeen
March Nuptiale De Berry
A big thank you to my sponsors for this episode!
Mandolin Cafe
Peghead Nation
Northfield Mandolins
Ear Trumpet Labs
Pava Mandolins