The Mandolins and Beer Podcast Episode #91 CE Jones

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My guest on the podcast this week is CE Jones. Chris has just accomplished a pretty remarkable feat by recording the Goldberg Variations by himself on mandolin, guitar and banjo! You can purchase the recording at this link here!
Chris is also a composer and you can check out one of his original compositions here! 
As always big thank you to my sponsors for this episode!
Mandolin Cafe
Peghead Nation
Northfield Mandolins
Ear Trumpet Labs
Pava Mandolins 
Ellis Mandolins
Siminoff Books

Song samples this week:
Keep on the Sunny Side performed by The Whites (O Brother sndtrck)
Blue Night performed by Mutual Admiration Society (Parking lot recording) 
Falling Run performed by 18 Strings (Natural Voice: Songs from the Earth)
Boatman performed by Megan Lynch Chowning and Adam Chowning (Face to Face)
Aria performed by CE Jones (The Goldberg Variations)
Variation One performed by Mike Marshall and Chris Thile (Into the Cauldron)
Variation Twenty performed by CE Jones (The Goldberg Variations)
Aria da Capo performed by CE Jones (The Goldberg Variations)  

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